Recommended Broker Questions

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Recommended Broker Questions

Post by khat17 »

Good night all. So I've been looking over the various threads and spotted the recommended brokers. I'm currently using one of them, but I noticed another that I personally would not recommend. My own poor experience with them does not mean they're bad - it just means I had a bad experience.

I've attached a chart below of the specific incident that I had. This was in August of 2017 and before I found out about PVSRA - during my search for various things. I've removed any identifying information from the chart.
Manipulation.jpg (277.39 KiB) Viewed 12362 times
They claimed they had "liquidity problems" and many persons got stopped out as a result. Every other broker I was with had no problems. Even LiteForex which wasn't rated that high - and probably still isn't.
LiteForex.jpg (240.71 KiB) Viewed 12362 times
I'd like to discuss this with the team here to get some insight. You may DM me and we can hash it out - or you can reach me on FB as well. I'll message TAH directly on FB if direct conversation is needed.

Again - this was just my experience. Prior to this incident I had no major issues - but I've been wary of them since.

Thanks in advance for your time - and thank you for the platform. Hoping to learn more and grow as things progress. Just want to let you be aware of some things that have been seen.
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