Hello! How to Properly Register

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Please take the time to read how to properly register for membership. Improper registrations are deleted. The updated PVSRA v2 Download is available only to properly registered members.

:) Tah

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Hello! How to Properly Register

Post by Traderathome »

Welcome Message to All Newcomers

Dear Prospective Member,

This site has been created as the international "Home Base" for PVSRA and welcomes core PVSRA enthusiasts from around the world. This is the home of "Traderathome", creator of free PVSRA for everyone. Construction coding was begun in 2015 by "qFish" who earlier donated his time to rescue our indicators when MT4 jumped to Build 600. This site immediately benefitted from the presence of "Fisher755", an incredible student of PVSRA, a natural born trader and a most giving and helping person. And we are now blessed with the participation of "mja" who is a professional coder and a trader and who looks after the maintenance of this site and of our PVSRA templates and indicators. He is a person as talented and generous as they come.

We ask all who participate here to properly register and make their Introduction Post telling us a little about themselves and why they are here. Immediately after becoming a registered member who has completed their Introduction Post please proceed by reading the posts in the "Orientation Room" and in the "Study Hall Library".

This site, PVSRA International With Traderathome, is unique in the world of forex trading. There is no other site in the world that traders can participate at which is commercial free and cost free (Members should be alert against any other member soliciting them for payment for "services" offered!). This site is built by traders for traders, and provides unexcelled tools for traders that have been developed over years by a number of very generous and capable people. We are happy to have our new home, to rebuild it better than before, and to welcome you now to it.

Sincerely, PVSRA and Prosper,
:) Traderathome

Registration Instructions!

If you are here to browse you can access the Topics you see on your screen. After properly registered will you will have access to our Trading Room and the PVSRA v2 download. If you become active here, you will have access to our new PVSRA v3 Download (soon to be finished and available). After you qualify as a Contributor thru posted trades and helping others, you will be gifted with access to our new PVSRA Pro Download.

Registration Instructions:
#1. Click on "Register" and complete the registration form by executing steps #2 thru #4. Failure to execute as stated will result in your registration being deleted.

#2. Access to your Profile by clicking on your name at the top right of the Home Page. Edit your Profile to add your location information in the following format: City or nearst City, Country. If you wish to include your state or region use the following format: City or nearest City, Region or State, Country. You can see that only commas, followed by a space, are used as separators. Do not use dashes or slashes as separators! Capitalize proper names, but do not use all capitalized letters! Please do not use a "Signature". It will be removed.

#3. Compose your Introduction Post. On the Home Page, In the right most column for "Members' Introductions", left click on small square representing last post in Topic. This takes you to the last post. Below it, left click in the "Post Reply" box and write your introduction, telling us something about yourself and why you are here. Caution: All posts are to be in English. Contained references construed as advertising or promoting something or someone else are deleted, and are cause to delete the registration.

#4. If you completed #1 thru #3 correctly, your location information shows to the right of your Introduction Post, and your post will be the last one in the topic. If your location information is incorrect or missing, repeat #3 more carefully. If your Introduction Post is in a topic all by itself, delete it and repeat #3 more carefully.

We thank you for taking the time to read and register properly, showing your sincerity to be a part of what we do here. Once properly registered, the next thing to do is read the material in the Orientation Room and Study Hall.

Administration will, in due time, provide those properly registered, access to the Trading Room and PVSRA v2. Incorrect registrations are deleted without warning or notice sent. As traders, we do not have the time for those not taking their own time to do this properly. You can re-register, but not with the same username.

As a registered member, be sure to login here with reasonable frequency to prevent becoming listed as "inactive".

Sincerely, PVSRA and Prosper,
:) Tah, 01-17-2020, Revised 05-06-2021